
How to Optimize Your Drone’s Flight Performance with PID and Rate Settings

Matek F722 SE flight controller


As an FPV drone pilot, achieving smooth and stable flight is essential for a successful mission. However, stability can be challenging to achieve. That’s where PID and Rate settings come in, allowing you to fine-tune your drone’s flight characteristics to make it more stable, responsive, and accurate.

Table of Contents

  • What Are FPV Drones?
  • What is PID and How Does it Work?
  • The Three Components of PID Settings
  • Adjusting PID Components for Stable Flight
  • What Are Rate Settings?
  • How Rate Settings Work with PID
  • Adjusting Rate Settings for Desired Flight Characteristics
  • Tips for Avoiding Unwanted Movements
  • Conclusion

What Are FPV Drones?

FPV stands for First Person View. The pilot flies the drone from a perspective of being inside the drone through the use of a camera attached to the drone that transmits live video feed to a pair of goggles worn by the pilot. This immersive experience makes FPV drones ideal for aerial photography, racing, and freestyle flying.

However, the fast-paced and agile movements that are characteristic of FPV drones can be challenging to control, especially in high winds or fast speeds. That’s where PID and Rate settings come in, allowing pilots to fine-tune their drone’s flight characteristics to achieve the desired stability and responsiveness.

What is PID and How Does it Work?

PID stands for Proportional, Integral, and Derivative, which are the three components that make up the PID algorithm. Each component plays a specific role in stabilizing the drone’s flight. The Proportional component responds to the drone’s error in real-time, while the Integral component takes into account past errors to make corrections. Finally, the Derivative component predicts future errors and adjusts accordingly.

The Three Components of PID Settings

The three components of PID settings are as follows:

  1. Proportional (P) – The proportional component of PID calculates the error between the drone’s current and desired position. It then applies a correction based on the magnitude of the error.
  2. Integral (I) – The integral component of PID sums up all past errors and applies a correction based on their magnitude. This helps to eliminate any steady-state error that may be present.
  3. Derivative (D) – The derivative component of PID calculates the rate of change of the error and applies a correction based on its magnitude. This helps to reduce overshoot and oscillations.

Adjusting PID Components for Stable Flight

Adjusting the three components of PID can be challenging, but the following tips can help:

  1. Start with the Proportional component and increase it until the drone becomes unstable. Then, back off until it becomes stable again.
  2. Increase the Integral component until any steady-state error is eliminated.
  3. Finally, adjust the Derivative component to reduce overshoot and oscillations.

What Are Rate Settings?

Rate settings control your drone’s rotation rates. They determine how quickly your drone will rotate in response to your stick inputs.

How Rate Settings Work with PID

Rate settings work with PID by allowing pilots to fine-tune their drone’s responsiveness to stick inputs. By adjusting the rate settings, pilots can make their drone more or less responsive to stick movements.

Adjusting Rate Settings for Desired Flight Characteristics


Adjusting PID Settings

After understanding what PID is and how it works, the next step is to learn how to adjust each component to stabilize your drone’s flight. The following sections explain how to adjust each component:

Proportional Component

The Proportional component responds to the drone’s error in real-time. Increasing the Proportional component will make the drone react faster to error, but it can also cause overshooting and oscillations. Decreasing the Proportional component will make the drone less responsive to error, but it can lead to slower corrections.

Integral Component

The Integral component takes into account past errors to make corrections. Increasing the Integral component will help the drone to reach the target value faster, but it can also cause overshooting and oscillations. Decreasing the Integral component will make the drone less responsive to past errors, but it can lead to slower corrections.

Derivative Component

The Derivative component predicts future errors and adjusts accordingly. Increasing the Derivative component will help the drone react faster to changes in error, but it can cause high-frequency noise and oscillations. Decreasing the Derivative component will make the drone less responsive to changes in error, but it can lead to slower corrections.

Adjusting Rate Settings

Rate settings control your drone’s rotation rates and how it responds to your movements. Here are the steps to adjust Rate settings:

  1. Start by setting the Rate P value to a low value, such as 0.1, and adjust it upwards until the drone’s rotation is stable and smooth.
  2. Adjust the Rate I value by increasing it slowly until you see a noticeable improvement in your drone’s stability.
  3. Finally, adjust the Rate D value to reduce overshooting and oscillations.


Optimizing your drone’s flight performance with PID and Rate settings can take your flying experience to the next level. By adjusting each component of the PID algorithm and Rate settings, you can make your drone more stable, responsive, and accurate. Remember to take note of the default settings before making changes and to make incremental adjustments until you find the perfect settings for your drone’s specific needs.

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WhatFPV Drone’ların Uçuş Karakteristiklerinin PID ve Hız Ayarları ile Optimize Edilmesi

FPV dronları uçuş kontrolcüsü üzerinde PID ve Rate ayarları yapılarak uçuş karakteristikleri optimize edilebilir.

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